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To: City Council

Support the animals and community of Laredo

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You can help support saving lives of animals in your community including community cats by advocating for lifesaving programs in your area. Please sign and share this petition to show that you support safe, humane and positive solutions for the dogs and cats of Laredo.

The pets of Laredo deserve to have a safe and loving space to call home. By coming together, community members, leaders and animal lovers can save the lives of pets in Laredo.

Why is this important?

You are a critical part of ensuring that pets and people have access to positive programs and resources. It is important your representatives know that saving cats and dogs is important to the people of Laredo.

The good news is that you can be a part of supporting positive programs that are working around Texas. Some examples include community cat programming (see below), foster programming (to provide temporary housing to pets prior to finding their permanent homes), and progressive field services and resources to ensure people have what they need to keep their pets. The community as a whole- shelter, pets, people- can advocate for these programs and more resources to create change for animals and those who care for them.

More on community cat programming:

Community cats (aka stray or free-roaming cats) risk losing their lives simply because they've made a home in the outdoors. In many cases, they are brought to local shelters, where they are unlikely to get adopted because many of them aren't socialized to people.

That's where community cat programs come in. These programs use trap-neuter-return (TNR) to save cats. The process is simple: Community cats are trapped, evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, ear-tipped, and returned to their outdoor homes, unable to have kittens.

And these programs are already working around the country. The people of Laredo deserve TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return) programs, which are animal-friendly, cost-effective, and reduce the burden placed on the animal shelter.


By advocating for these programs and continued collaboration with other community organizations, you can be part of creating a healthier community for pets and people.
Together we can make sustainable changes that save lives while creating a framework of support for the pets of Laredo and the people who care about them. Thank you for supporting the dogs and cats of Laredo.
Laredo, TX, USA

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2021-06-23 19:37:59 -0500

100 signatures reached

2021-01-19 19:51:01 -0600

50 signatures reached

2021-01-19 14:53:31 -0600

25 signatures reached

2021-01-19 13:39:17 -0600

10 signatures reached