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To: Mayor Oscar D. Montoya Sr.

Tell Mercedes officials: support lifesaving animal shelter programming

The people of Mercedes care about their animals and their neighbors. Pets and the people who care for them are an important part of the community in Mercedes. We need you and your voice to be a part of this effort to ensure access to programs and resources that save animals' lives. 

Mercedes contracts with the City of Weslaco for their animal control services. In 2021, Weslaco took in 5,288 dogs and 2,265 cats to their animal shelter. Only 2.7% of cats and 35% of dogs who entered the shelter left alive. Overall, Weslaco had a 26% save rate- meaning 26% of the animals who entered the shelter left alive. Supporting our community means supporting our shelter and programs that focus on providing safe and positive outlets for cats and dogs entering shelters. The people and pets in Mercedes deserve safe options for their animals.

Please sign and share this petition to show that you support safe, humane, and positive solutions for the animals living in your community and the people who care for them. By signing, you are telling elected officials this is a matter that is important to you and connecting with others in your community who agree.

Why is this important?

Sometimes when you want to create change in your community, it's hard to know where to begin.

Together we can make sustainable changes that save lives while creating a framework of support for the pets of Mercedes and the people who care about them. Animals who end up at the animal shelter are part of this community and local officials need to know you care about the whole community- pets and people.

They need to know that you prioritize the local animal shelter adopting policies that decrease the number of dogs and cats euthanized and that you support providing resources needed to do so.

Some examples of resources include community cat programming (to ensure cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their homes), foster programming (to provide temporary housing to pets prior to finding their permanent homes), adoption outlets, and progressive field services and resources to ensure people have what they need to keep their pets.

By advocating for these programs and continued collaboration with and support of your local animal shelter, you can be part of creating a healthier community for pets and people. Show your support by signing and sharing today!
Mercedes, TX, USA

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2024-10-02 14:55:52 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-01-26 19:25:20 -0600

10 signatures reached