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To: Cameron County commissioners

Cameron County supports its people and pets

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Cameron County is working hard to become a community that provides the best possible care for its pets and support for the people who love them.

The first step is to use your voice by signing this petition to show you support these efforts in your community. Thank you for everything that you do for the animals.

Why is this important?

You can play a pivotal role in this effort and the work of the Humane Society of Harlingen to ensure Cameron county is the most humane and kind community we can be.

We need you and your voice to be a part of this community effort! The people of Cameron County are a critical part of ensuring that pets and people have access to positive programs and resources. The Humane Society of Harlingen is working hard to ensure access to programs that save animals lives and create a healthier community for people and pets including community cat programs, access to adoptable animals, and animal foster programs.

These programs are already working around the country and in Harlingen but we need your support to ensure their continued success.

You can play a pivotal role in this effort to ensure Cameron county is the most humane and kind community we can be.

Additional information on cat programming:

Community cats (aka stray or free-roaming cats) risk losing their lives simply because they've made a home in the outdoors. In many cases, they are brought to local shelters, where they are unlikely to get adopted because many of them aren't socialized to people.

That’s where community cat programs come in. Community cat programs use trap-neuter-return (TNR) to save cats. The process is simple: Community cats are trapped, evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and returned to their outdoor homes, unable to have kittens. And these programs are already working around the country.
Cameron County, TX, USA

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2021-07-26 16:01:05 -0500

100 signatures reached

2021-03-27 15:42:54 -0500

50 signatures reached

2021-03-26 17:05:04 -0500

25 signatures reached

2021-02-10 07:45:47 -0600

10 signatures reached