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To: Montgomery County Residents

Against Animal Euthansia Montgomery County

Please sign this petition to stop the proposed euthanasia for animals held at montgomery county animal control the proposal would recommend euthanizing animals after 30 days of being admitted to the facility. (This is not euthanasia due to health conditions or aggressive actions by the animals) this proposal will be death for every innocent animal not adopted within 30 days. The proposed vote by the Montgomery County Board will be held Sept 12th immediate action is needed once the vote is decided the fate of these animals may be final.

Why is this important?

Please work together to collaborate with creative ideas to save these animals from certain death any alternate solutions and ideas welcomed. Montgomery County residents have rallied together for change and support on many important issues in the past we can come together as a community to stop the proposal for the mass euthanasia of our furry residents as well they don't deserve a death sentence. Please sign to let Montgomery County Board members know euthanasia is not the solution.
Hillsboro, IL, USA

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2024-05-10 05:03:24 -0500

500 signatures reached

2023-09-04 10:42:19 -0500

100 signatures reached

2023-09-03 19:17:02 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-09-03 10:30:47 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-09-02 17:55:54 -0500

10 signatures reached